This repository contains MATLAB scripts for measuring various intracellular properties from spinal motoneurons' data recorded using sharp electrode.
A Matlab livescript file to analyze single spikes and extract the following properties:
- Action potential Height
- Max rising slope
- Average rising slope
- Max falling slope
- Average falling slope
- Action potential half-amplitude width
- Action potential width
- AP time to peak (AP start time to the peak time)
- AHP depth (RMP noise corrected) AHP depth - half of the estimated noise
- AHP depth (AHP noise corrected)
- Estimate noise based on the standard deviation of the RMP
- AHP noise (based on the noise around the mAHP trough)
- AHP time to rise (AHP start to AHP trough)
- AHP half-amp decay (time from AHP trough to AHP half-amp point)
- AHP 2/3 Amp decay (time between spike start to 2/3 AHP decay point)
- AHP 1/2 Duration (time between the half-amp point on the rising phase and decaying phase)
- AHP Duration (time from the AHP start to the AHP end)
- fAHP estimation (AP end voltage)
- Interpolation
- Filtration
- Robust AP start detection
- Overlay AHP trace
- Save filtered and raw data side by side
- Exponential fitting for the AHP decay
- Manually selection for the AP start point
- Manual selection for AHP peak
- New wavelet denoization
- HTML export
- Clone the repository.
- Open the MATLAB scripts in your MATLAB environment.
- Run the scripts with your data files to analyze the intracellular properties.
additional spikes files are provided for testing the scripts.