This script was intended to be able to use vultr firewall and block all IPs and only whitelist your own IP.
because vultr don't accept a dynamic DDNS domain (like no-ip)
This script will update vultr with your new ip every time it changes
for example i have a freepbx server running in vultr so i set a firewall to only allow my location to access the server
Assuming you have a vultr account (if you dont have one you can use my affiliate link and Get $100 for the first 30 days)
- go to the firewall tab, and click 'Add Firewall Group'
- select the protocol you would like to open for yourself like TCP
- enter the port or range for example
1 - 65535
- select one source the ip (not important as the script will update it
- IMPORTANT, add a any word as a note to your rule, so the api can find it, for example i use my username
vultr api key
the firewall ID
the note you added for reference
(Optional) the ddns domain if you have
(Optional) if you want email notification each time the IP changed
(Optional) emails password
(Optional) array of emails (can be array with only 1 email)
(Optional) sender name
you can set api_key
as global, or set it for each firewall rule
you can set email or in global or for each firewall
Create a task in Task Scheduler to run every 30 minutes. Follow the Microsoft guide for basic task creation.
Open Task Scheduler and click "Create Task...". Give it a name and create a new trigger. Click "Daily". Under "Advanced Settings" click to repeat the task every 30 minutes and change "for a duration of" to "Indefinitely". Add a new action to start a program and browse to your Python executable. Add the script as an argument.
comming soon