Immersive environment based on the world map printed in the "Rudimentum Novitiorum" (1475).
Project of developed as Visiting student at EPFL - eM+.
Used software: Unreal Engine 5.1
The project is a prototype of a design proposal elaborated by Khajehnouri Shayan, Daghfal Mariella and Tang Cindy in the framework of the course Cultural Data Sculpting, held by Prof Kenderdine for the MSc in "Digital Humanities" at EPFL.
It consists of an immersive and interactive environment for Panorama+ Visualization System based on the map contained in the "Rudimentum Novitiorum" (1475). Click on the thumbnail to see a trailer of the project:
Developed in Unreal Engine 5.1, it reproduces a part of the world (the landscape now corresponds to Asia, even though onlz the upper right quarter of the map has been populated) and provides a sample of animation (sample scenario: Ophir) based on the text of the manuscript.
Week | Tasks |
21st - 28th April 2023 | Creation of the landscape 1) Definition of the heightmap on Gimp, application of blur and erosion with Gaea 2) Refinement and paint with Unreal "Landscape" Mode 3) Population of the environment with material and assets downloaded on QuixelBridge and UE Marketplace |
28th April - 4th May 2023 | Definition of the animation of the lions in the Golden Land of Ophir 1) Animation Blueprint: creation of the animation graph (with use of blendspace) 2) Definition of the actors behavior in the Blueprint Event Graph 3) Use of Level blueprint to control trigger boxes |
5th - 11th May 2023 | Refinement of the landscape Creation of compass bar 1) Creation of the texture and of the interactive Widget Blueprint 2) Real-time update of the marker icon |
12th - 18th May 2023 19th - 25th May 2023 |
Refinements and adjustments 1) Place name labels 2) Camera effects 3) Textures and material adjustments |