A golang rpc framework for efficient and concise.
Golang Version >= 1.11.2
$ go get github.com/MashiroC/begonia-rpc
service center
package main
import (
func main() {
rpc := begoniarpc.Default()
How to provide a service?
package main
import (
type MathService struct {
type HelloService struct {
func (s *MathService) Sum(a, b int) (res int) {
return a + b
func (h *HelloService) Hello(name string) (res string) {
return "Hello " + name
func main() {
cli := begonia.Default(":8080")
cli.Sign("Hello", &HelloService{})
And How to call remote function?
package main
import (
func main() {
// get a begonia client
cli := begonia.Default(":8080")
// get a service
helloService := cli.Service("Hello")
// get a sync Function
hello := helloService.FunSync("Hello")
// call it!
res, err := hello("MashiroC")
fmt.Println(res, err)
// Hello Mashiroc <nil>
// get a async function
helloAsync := helloService.FunAsync("Hello")
// call it too!
helloAsync(func(res interface{}, err error) {
}, "MashiroC")
this is rpc center, if you want to provide a service, please use sdk.
$ go build -o rpccenter ./cmd/server/main.go
$ ./rpccenter
$ go run ./cmd/server/main.go