A Sentinel DVPN Multipay Transactor
This will run in a loop and prompt you for sentinel wallet addresses and amounts that you would like to send in single transaction (batch sending) based on the seed phrase you specify in the scrtxxs file.
requires sentinel-sdk
requires requests
requires >= python 3.10
To install the dependency:
pip install sentinel-sdk requests
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/MathNodes/MultiPay
Within the repository directory, edit the scrtxxs.py to your specific parameters.
WalletName - The name you will give your sending wallet in the krygin
HotWalletPW - The Password for MultiPay Keyring
WalletSeed - The seed phrase of the sending wallet if not already in the keyring. leave blank if you already imported this wallet once before
To run the MultiPay script do the following:
python3 SentinelMultiPay.py
and follow the on screen prompts
The log file will be in the following folders
This is also the folder the encrypted keyring will reside in.
Because we are working on a small grant with no VC funding, any additional contributions to our developer team is more than certainly welcomed. It will help fund future releases.