PyTorch implementation to run Emergent Communication in populations of agents.
Generate json files saving dirs (following directory structure) for custom experiments:
python -m src.zoo.populations.custom_experiments --default_population_json PATH_DEFAULT_POP_JSON \
--default_agents_json PATH_DEFAULT_AGENTS_JSON \
--default_game_json PATH_DEFAULT_GAME_JSON \
--default_training_json PATH_DEFAULT_TRAINING_JSON \
--experiments_dir PATH_EXPERIMENT_DIR \
--logs_dir PATH_LOG_DIR \
--base_experiment_name BASE_EXPERIMENT_NAME
Train a population:
python -m src.zoo.populations.train --population_json PATH_POP_JSON \
--agents_json PATH_AGENTS_JSON \
--game_json PATH_GAME_JSON \
--training_json PATH_TRAINING_JSON \
--log_dir PATH_LOG_DIR \
--model_save_dir PATH_SAVE_DIR \
--metrics_save_dir PATH_SAVE_DIR \
| experiments
-- | expe_name
--–- | json
------ | population.json
------ | agents.json
------ | game.json
------ | training.json
–--- | metrics
–--- | models
| logs
-- | expe_name
- Change
- Complete generate_json
- Change th.tile by .repeat
- Rita M., Strub F., Grill J-B., Pietquin O., Dupoux E. (2022). On the role of population heterogeneity in emergent communication. In Proceedings of International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR).
The code took inspiration from EGG toolkit
- EGG: a toolkit for research on Emergence of lanGuage in Games, Eugene Kharitonov, Rahma Chaabouni, Diane Bouchacourt, Marco Baroni. EMNLP 2019.