Hemocytometer is a manual cell counting device typically used by cell biologists. The MATLAB program written here aims to take images from bright-field microscope images and automate cell counting. The process has been somewhat optimised for a smartphone taking images down an eye-piece but should be applicable to other image inputs.
The hemocytometerMain
program is ran from the MATLAB command prompt which calls upon FindROI
- Find the region of interest (ROI), hemocytometerCellSeg
- highlight cells on image and export the cell count to an Excel document, .xlsx
. Additionally hemocytometerSeparationComparison
- designed to compare two data sets and export in an Excel sheet with a relative difference between the data.
Work in progress:
- Finialisation of the MATLAB code - Known error
is rotated anti-clockwise, 90 degrees during processing. - Wiki on changable values for optimising cell detection by manipulating ROI.
Adding examples for testing.- Incorporating colour detection for Trypan Blue live dead staining.