- Faster than Py dict and C glib's hash library
- Compatible for beginners to advanced programmers to use
- Variety of key val combinations (int/string key, string/int val)
- Runs very fast for put, get and del
- Good diagnostic tools
git clone git://github.com/MatthewC221/hash.git
chmod 755 config.sh
*Enter password*
This will put mhash.h in the typical libraries folder which is /usr/include/X
gcc -o X X.c
#include <mhash.h>
int main() {
Hash * H = createHash(); // Defaults to int keys and int values and size 8
int key = 5;
int val = 4;
put(H, &key, &val);
assert(4 == get_INT_k_INT_v(H, &key));
return 0;
- Will be created and uploaded soon
hash.h, hash.c, combined as mhash.h