One common question people has for WebMap is:
Does it support dynamic components?
And the answer is yes it does.
Dynamic Pets is a small sample to show how WebMap handles dynamic components.
You can find the WinForms source code here
The main screen is as follows:
You can add a dog by pressing the green button:
Press clear and now you can add a cat by pressing the light blue button:
Press clear and now you can add a parrot by pressing the orange button:
If you do not want to waste a lot of time setting up an environment, you can open this application on Gitpod.
Gitpod is a great company that allows you to get your repo up and runnning hosted on a cloud IDE.
This is cloud environment that shows how this migrated application can be taken all the way from VB6 to a dockerized Linux container :)
The images were downloaded Unsplash Bird Photo by David Clode on Unsplash Cat Photo by Erik-Jan Leusink on Unsplash Dog Photo by James Barker on Unsplash