- It's a database service application for a coffee shop that is ready to run on all platforms [web, IOS, Android]. By using the java spring boot framework for creating an RESTFUL APIs to link all services in Heroku DB.
- A Backend Rest-API designed using MVC Design Architecture.
- Enables customers to make orders and buy products online.
- Enables sellers to add products to their collection.
- Implemented Login/Register service.
- Ability to get all prices to the same product.
- Email and Password based Authentication.
- Authorization was done using JWT(Json Web Token).
- Error and Exception handling.
- Programming Language: Java
- Backend Framework: Spring Boot
- Database Engine: PostgreSQL
- Database Engine: MS SQL Server (It could be MySQL by changing the configuration)
- Other Frameworks: Spring [Security, Data JPA],
Reference : https://jwt.io/