Machine Learning Project Java Programming Language (Webservices and Tester Client )
1-Abdullah Abdelhakeem.
2-Mohamed Sebaie.
3-Mostafa Ahmed.
- 5 July 2021
- 0.0.1
1-Read data set and convert it to dataframe.
2-Display structure and summary of the data.
3-Clean the data (null, duplications).
4-What are the most demanding companies for jobs?
5-Show step 4 in a pie chart.
6-Find out What are it the most popular job titles?
7-Show step 6 in bar chart .
8-Find out the most popular areas?
9-Show step 8 in bar chart .
10- * Print skills one by one.
* how many each repeated .
* order the output to find out the most important skills required?.
11-Factorize the YearsExp feature and convert it to numbers in new col.
12-Apply K-means for job title and companies.
- src/main/java
- ProjectMain (Package)
- run "JavaMlgr3Application"---> as Spring Boot (Server)
- src/main/java
- Test (Package)
- run "ConsumerTest" as ---> Java Application
- Choose Any WebServices as You Like (from 1------> 13)
-Smile DataFrame