Telegram MTProto API Framework for Golang
Light Weight, Fast, Elegant Telegram MTProto API framework in Golang for building Telegram clients and bots.
package main
import ""
func main() {
client, err := telegram.NewClient(telegram.ClientConfig{
AppID: 6, AppHash: "<app-hash>",
// StringSession: "<string-session>",
if err != nil {
client.ConnectBot("<bot-token>") // or client.Login("<phone-number>") for user account
// client.AuthPrompt() // for console-based interactive auth
client.AddMessageHandler(telegram.OnNewMessage, func(message *telegram.NewMessage) error {
if message.IsPrivate() {
message.Reply("Hello from Gogram!")
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("the chat isn't private")
client.Idle() // block main goroutine until client is closed
Gogram is a modern, elegant and concurrent MTProto API framework. It enables you to easily interact with the main Telegram API through a user account (custom client) or a bot identity (bot API alternative) using Go.
If you'd like to support Gogram, you can consider:
- Ready: Install Gogram with go get and you are ready to go!
- Easy: Makes the Telegram API simple and intuitive, while still allowing advanced usages.
- Elegant: Low-level details are abstracted and re-presented in a more convenient way.
- Fast: Backed by a powerful and concurrent library, Gogram can handle even the heaviest workloads.
- Zero Dependencies: No need to install anything else than Gogram itself.
- Powerful: Full access to Telegram's API to execute any official client action and more.
- Feature-Rich: Built-in support for file uploading, formatting, custom keyboards, message editing, moderation tools and more.
- Up-to-date: Gogram is always in sync with the latest Telegram API changes and additions (
is used to generate the API layer).
go get -u
client.SendMessage("username", "Hello from Gogram!")
client.SendDice("username", "🎲")
client.AddMessageHandler("/start", func(m *telegram.Message) error {
m.Reply("Hello from Gogram!") // m.Respond("<text>")
return nil
client.SendMedia("username", "<file-name>", &telegram.MediaOptions{ // filename/inputmedia,...
Caption: "Hello from Gogram!",
TTL: int32((math.Pow(2, 31) - 1)), // TTL For OneTimeMedia
client.SendAlbum("username", []string{"<file-name>", "<file-name>"}, &telegram.MediaOptions{ // Array of filenames/inputmedia,...
Caption: "Hello from Gogram!",
client.AddInlineHandler("<pattern>", func(iq *telegram.InlineQuery) error {
builder := iq.Builder()
builder.Article("<title>", "<description>", "<text>", &telegram.ArticleOptions{
LinkPreview: true,
return nil
- Basic MTProto implementation (LAYER 179)
- Updates handling system + Cache
- HTML, Markdown Parsing, Friendly Methods
- Support for Flag2.0, Layer 147
- WebRTC Calls Support
- Documentation for all methods
- Stabilize File Uploading
- Stabilize File Downloading
- Secret Chats Support
- File Uploading/Downloading is not stable
- MessageMediaPoll, UserFull Decode Fails
- invokeWithLayer channel missing while bad Salt
- unstable
- Perfect HTML Parser
- Session File some issues
- Unidentified RPCError decoding fails
Gogram is an open-source project and your contribution is very much appreciated. If you'd like to contribute, simply fork the repository, commit your changes and send a pull request. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
- Documentation: (Coming Soon)
- Support: @rosexchat
This library is provided under the terms of the GPL-3.0 License.