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Basic Commands and Permissions

legobear154 edited this page Jun 23, 2013 · 5 revisions

These are commands all users get even if they are not in a town.

/ch [channel]<channel>

Lists all the possible channels and their abbrevations. Or switches the active channel you are chatting on. Current channels: [G] Global [TR] Trade [H] Help [TC] Town [NC] Nation

/g /tr /h /tc /nc <msg>

Sends a message to the specific channel without focusing (switching) it. For global channels there's a extra perm node - which is used to let people use capital letters in chat. Think what you will of why i have implemented this, but it has brought alot of peace to our server veteran players from the "average" "noob". For all channels there's a perm node - - which enables color tag renaming.



Starts a 60 sec spawn teleportation "spell". This action is notified to everyone in localchat. This is done this way to stop players teleporting away in pvp or using it for any other quick getaway like after stealing, griefing or even drowning. Use the node mytown.adm.bypass.teleportwait to disable the wait time.


Shows the online players with their prefix and suffix. Ordered alphabetically by the name, not considering prefixes and suffixes.

/tell /msg /w [target] [msg]


Without any arguments, cancels the current private chat session. With a target specified, and without the message, starts a new private chat session. All further messages will be sent to the target player as a private message. With the target and message specified, sends a private message for the player.

/reply /r [msg]


Without the message, starts a new private chat session with the player who messaged you. With the message specified, replies to the last person who messaged you.

/homes [loc]

Lists the home names the player has defined themselves. If the default home is set to bed and the player has a bed location, it will appear in the list as a red default. With the 'loc' suffix each home is listed on a seperate line with the dimension id and coordinates behind it.

/home [name]


Teleports the player to the saved home, if the name is not dpecified, it will take the player to the default home. If the config option default home is bed is enabled, it will take the player to the bed location if no name is specified. This command works across dimensions.

/sethome [name]


Sets a teleportation point for the player. If no name is specified, it will be saved under the name 'default' and can be used without specifiying a name in /home either. If the config option default home is bed is enabled, setting a home with no name will not create a teleportation point but rather set the bed location as if the player was sleeping in it. This has the drawback that the home cannot be set in other dimensions than the default "respawn" dimension, usually overworld, dim 0. Setting homes is only allowed in areas where the player can build. This is a protection against annoyers and trolls setting up homes in someone elses base. But this also means if your spawn town is protected, players cannot set homes in there. The perm node mytown.ecmd.sethome.new_<n> can be used to limit the number of homes the player can have. If the default is bed config option is set then the default home is not counted. Otherwise <n> is the number of homes the player would have after setting a new home, so the first home is .new_1. For example if you wish to limit players to 5 homes max, add the negative permission -mytown.ecmd.sethome.new_6. Or if your players already have alot of homes you can add -mytown.ecmd.sethome.* and then allow sethome.(1|2|3|4|5) after the negative node. If, for some reason you wish to prohibit players from resetting their homes to new locations you can use the perm node mytown.ecmd.sethome.replace.

/delhome [name]


Removes the specified home from the player. If default home is bed is set, the default home (empty home name) cannot be deleted.



MyTown base command. Aliases are: /mytown and /town This permissions node is required to access the commands. In pex you can define nodes like this:

  • mytown.cmd(|.) - to give full access to mytown normal commands. Don't give the node mytown. because that will give the players admin commands and bypasses making the mod void.

/t help [assistant|mayor|nation]

Shows MyTown commands. If using the argument, then shows the commands for that specific group.

/t map [on|off]

Shows the MyTown status of your surrounding blocks/chunks. If using the argument then on turns on an automatic map display every time you cross a chunk border. Off turns this feature off. The middle character is is displayed a bit lighter, this defines your current location. All plots owner by you (using the command /t assignplot <name> from the assistant group) are displayed in yellow. All other plots your town owns are disaplyed in green. Plots owned by other towns are disaplyed in red. And plots not claimed by any towna re in white. Plots marked with a cross (X) are plots assigned to someone in your town. Plots marked with an O are claimed land. Nonclaimed land is marked with a underscore (_).

/t list


Lists all the towns in game, ordered by the number of residents in the town from highest to lowest.

/t info <name>

Shows information about a town. While being in a town just /t is the short version of /t info <yourtown> Example: --------Quantum-------- Town blocks: 117/992 Nation: Quantum Mayor: [Dev]alphaest* Assistants: [Owner]Sp0nge, aelica Residents: [Vet]marymarymary, GraphicRabbit, [Vet]Zugill, Kummitus_mati

First line - Town name, in green means your town, red means someone elses. Second line - how many plots the town has claimed and how many it can in total; nation it belongs to. Third line - Town residents of the status Mayor. Fourth line - Town residents of the status Assistant. Fifth line - Normal town residents.

/t res [name]


Shows information about you or the player you specify by their username. Example: --------[Dev]alphaest*-------- Member from: 2012-12-22 15:01:12 Last online: online Member of: Quantum, Mayor Friends: [Vet]Zugill Friends of: [Troll]kala

First line - the user prefix, name, suffix you were querying for. The asterix means that hes online. Second line - Date and time of first login to the server (or when mytown was installed). Third line - Date and time when last online, or "online" when he's on right now. Fourth line - Town name which hes part of, or 'none'; The rank in that town. Fifth line - Who are his friends. Only shown if he has defined any friends. Sixth line - Whos friend is he. Only shown if someone has added him as their friend.

/t friend add|remove <name>


Adds or removes players from your friends list. This list is used in conjunction with the town permissions "friend", where you can define different permissions for your friends on your plots (/t perm res or /t perm plot), or define the default for all your residents by using /t perm town. Friends permissions are used ONLY when the plot owner is set using /t assignplot.

/t spawn [name]


Teleport yourself to your town spawn or some other town spawn by specifing the town name. The town spawn has to be set beforehand using the assistant group command /t setspawn.