FFmpeg is a collection of libraries and tools to process multimedia content such as audio, video, subtitles and related metadata.
This is NETINT's fork of FFmpeg with custom codecs, filters, and modifications to get FFmpeg working with NETINT Quadra Video Processing Units (VPU).
The NETINT Libxcoder software driver is a pre-requisite for this fork of FFmpeg.
See build_ffmpeg.sh -h
for dependencies of optional features.
bash build_ffmpeg.sh
See options using bash build_ffmpeg.sh -h
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
NETINT FFmpeg documentation is available at the NETINT Docs Portal
Please also refer to the official FFmpeg documentation in the doc/ directory.
Online documentation for official FFmpeg is available in its main website and wiki.
Following FFmpeg licensing convention, NETINT code in this project is LGPL version 2.1.