My Leetcode Account - Md. Nahid Hassan - Solving Idea: Leetcode Problem Solving Ideas - README
- Samsung
- Enosis -
- Therap -
- Reve Systems
Java Sprint Boot/C++
- C Programming
- C++
- C#
- Python
- Java
- Data Structures
- Array Processing
- Sorting, Searching, Two Pointers, Sliding Window
- Linked List
- Stack and Queue
- Tree
- Priority Queue
- Hash Map
- Set
- Array Processing
- Algorithms
- General
- Backtracking & Greedy
- Graph
- Number Theory
- Prime Number Generation (Sieve, Segmented Sieve)
- Euler Totient Theorem
- Fermat’s Theorem
- HCF & LCM (Euclid)
- Linear Diophantine Equations (Extended Euclid)
- Modulus Arithmetic (addition,multiplication,subtraction,modular Inverse)
- Cycle Finding (Floyd Algo and Brent Algo)
- Integer Factorization (Trial Division , Pollard Rho method)
- Lucas Theorem (Simple & Advance)
- Chinese Remainder Theorem
- Wilson Theorem
- Miller - Rabin Primality Testing
- Perfect Numbers
- Goldbach Conjecture
- Competitive Programming Handbook - Generalize
- Competitive Programming 3 - Uva
CP Algorithms
Tusar Roy