is a small command-line utility for extracting
data from a MySQL database and writing each table to a file with
tab-separated values. Each file will be named after the table, suffixed
with ".tsv".
The code has been tested with Python 3.6.
Source repository: https://github.com/naturhistoriska/extract_mysql_tables.py
Table of contents
- Python 3
- The Python library PyMySQL
An easy way to get Python working on your computer is to install the free Anaconda distribution.
The project is hosted at <https://github.com/naturhistoriska/extract_mysql_tables.py> and can be downloaded using git:
$ git clone https://github.com/naturhistoriska/extract_mysql_tables.py
./extract_mysql_tables.py --help usage: extract_mysql_tables.py [-h] [-V] [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD] [--host HOST] [--table-type {1,2,3}] [-o DIR] database [table-file] Command-line utility for exporting tables from a MySQL database to files in tab-separated values (TSV) format. positional arguments: database database name table-file file with table names separated by newline characters (if missing, all tables will be exported) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -V, --version show program's version number and exit -u USER, --user USER MySQL user (default: "root") -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD MySQL password --host HOST database host (default: "localhost") --table-type {1,2,3} Table type to include in export: 1=BASE TABLE; 2=VIEW; 3=SYSTEM VIEW (i.e. INFORMATION_SCHEMA table). The table type will be ignored if there is a file provided with table names. -o DIR, --output-dir DIR path to the output directory (default: current directory)
The code follow style conventions in PEP 8, which can be checked with pycodestyle:
$ pycodestyle extract_mysql_tables.py
is distributed under the
MIT license.
Markus Englund, markus.englund@nrm.se