ScrollableView is a view that encapsulates a horizontally-scrolling set of child views, known as pages, navigable using its built-in horizontal swipe gestures.
This module implements this missing properies of Android version of Ti.UI.ScrollableView:
- clipViews
- currentPageIndicatorColor
- pagingControlOnTop
- pageIndicatorColor
See documentation for more information.
Also it provides nice-looking ink page indicator
aka paging control.
- Grab the latest package from the releases page
- Install it following this guide
- with gittio:
$ gittio install
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
title: 'ScrollableView',
var label = Ti.UI.createLabel();
// Common params
var params = {
clipViews: false,
currentPageIndicatorColor: '#000',
pageIndicatorColor: '#f00',
pagingControlOnTop: false,
showPagingControl: true,
top: 0
var scrollableView;
if ( === 'android') {
// Android specific params
params.padding = {
left: 40,
right: 40
var module = require('');
scrollableView = module.createScrollableView(params);
} else {
// iOS specific params
params.overlayEnabled = true;
params.width = '90%';
scrollableView = Titanium.UI.createScrollableView(params);
var view1 = Ti.UI.createView({ id: 'view1', backgroundColor: '#836' });
var view2 = Ti.UI.createView({ id: 'view2', backgroundColor: '#246' });
var view3 = Ti.UI.createView({ id: 'view3', backgroundColor: '#48b' });
scrollableView.setViews([view1, view2, view3]);