Password Manager - password storage REST service
path for swagger after app launch: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html#/
- all requests are secured except auth-controller requests. That's why, firstly, you need authorize and enter a jwt token received from one of the auth-controller requests
- Create a new account
- Sign in
- Create a new password record
- Get your own list of records
- Get a specific record by its id
- Get info about password record directory
- Update a record by id - переделать входные параметры (должен принимать не entity, а dto)
- Create a directory for records and other directories
You can skip parametr 'parentDirectoryId' or set null if parent directory is root
- Get short info about all records (id and name of record) in directory
- Get all nested directories in directory
- Get all attachments (nested records and directories) in directory
- Delete a directory
- Make sharing on record
- Get a sharing record from a person