This program is a system programming assignment for the university course "Κ24 System Programming". It's designed to manage patient records using custom-implemented data structures that emulate the functionality of the Standard Template Library (STL).
Compile the code using a C++ compiler:
g++ -o programName *.cpp -I.
Run the program with the following command:
./programName -p <patient_records_file> -h1 <disease_ht_entries> -h2 <country_ht_entries> -b <bucket_size>
- sample.txt: Contains a small set of sample records for quick testing.
- sample2.txt: Contains a small set of sample records for quick testing.
- small.txt: A larger dataset to test the program's performance and capabilities.
- medium.txt: An even larger dataset
- large.txt: An even larger dataset
- main.cpp: Initializes and orchestrates the data processing workflow.
- diseaseMain.cpp: Handles disease-specific queries and operations.
- .cpp and .h files: Contain custom data structures mimicking STL components like linked lists, AVL trees, hash tables, heaps, etc.
The project is structured with separate .cpp and .h files for each custom data structure and utility function, providing a learning platform for system programming and data structure implementation.
This project is for educational use only and is part of the coursework for Κ24 System Programming at DiT, NKUA.