A modern, feature-rich Neovim configuration focused on providing a powerful and efficient development environment. This configuration combines carefully selected plugins with custom configurations to enhance your editing experience while maintaining good performance.
Key aspects:
- Built with Lua for better performance and maintainability
- Modular architecture for easy customization
- Extensive LSP integration for powerful development features
- Carefully tuned for both functionality and aesthetics
- Supports multiple platforms (Linux, MacOS, Windows)
Ensure you have Neovim 0.10+ installed on your system
Back up your existing Neovim configuration if needed:
mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak
Clone this repository to your Neovim configuration directory:
# Linux/MacOS git clone https://github.com/NishantJoshi00/nvim-config.git ~/.config/nvim # Windows (PowerShell) git clone https://github.com/NishantJoshi00/nvim-config.git $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim
Install required dependencies:
- Git (for plugin management)
- A C compiler (for certain plugins)
- Node.js (for LSP features)
- Ripgrep (for telescope search)
- A Nerd Font (for icons)
Launch Neovim. The configuration will automatically:
- Install the lazy.nvim plugin manager
- Download and configure all plugins
- Set up LSP servers and tools
- Advanced LSP Integration: Full language server support with auto-completion, diagnostics, and code actions
- Smart Code Navigation: Telescope-powered fuzzy finding for files, symbols, and references
- Git Integration: Built-in git management with Gitsigns and Fugitive
- Terminal Integration: Integrated terminal with toggleterm.nvim
- Enhanced Syntax: Treesitter-based syntax highlighting and code folding
- Intelligent Completion: Context-aware suggestions using nvim-cmp and Copilot
- Customizable UI: Beautiful and functional interface with adaptive themes
- Debug Adapter Protocol: Full debugging support for multiple languages
- Task Runner: Integrated task management with Overseer
- Project Management: Enhanced project navigation and session management
- Document Symbols: Code outline and breadcrumbs navigation
- Format on Save: Automatic code formatting with LSP and null-ls
- File Explorer: Enhanced file browsing with nvim-tree and oil.nvim
- Status Line: Informative and customizable status line with lualine
- Tab Management: Intuitive buffer and tab management
- Markdown Preview: Live preview for markdown files
- Undo History: Visual undo tree navigation
Fork the repository and create your feature branch:
git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature
Follow these guidelines when contributing:
- Tag issues appropriately ([BUG], [FEATURE], [ENHANCEMENT])
- Don't work on already assigned issues
- Ensure your code follows the existing style
- Include comments for complex code sections
- Test your changes thoroughly
Submit a pull request with a clear description of your changes
- Built with the powerful Neovim editor
- Inspired by various community configurations
- Made possible by the amazing Neovim plugin ecosystem
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.