This repository contains all programming questions given by various professors in Semester 2 (2019), January to May 2019 1st year. It also contains my solutions to all those problems
Just clone this repository onto your Machine to get started.
You can directly download it
Use the following the instructions in cmd(windows)/command line (linus/mac)
Step 1: Create a folder(any name)
Step 2: Use the command
git init
If git not installed follow procedure in prerequisite
Step 3:
git clone
Prerequisite for the project are
For downloading this project you need to install Git bash on your system
For mac/linux you can use the following commands
sudo apt install git
for windows you can directly download from git website, setup git.
You need Python installend on your computer.
instructions to install it on Windows
Go to official python website, and download according to your system details dowload it. Make sure to check the first check box regarding path variables.
instructions to install python on linux/MacOS
For installations click here, make sure to intsall the latest version.
use the following command in command line to install it.
pip install mathplotlib
and follow the instructions.
for linus/macOs if the above command doesnt works try this.
sudo ap-get install mathplotlib
although numpy is already included in package if it is not installed you can installed it as
pip install numpy
in case it doesnt work you can try(only for linux/macOS)
sudo apt-get install numpy
Congratulations, you are all set for start using the project.
running of code is as simple as (suppose you want to compile question1 file)
and you will see your graph on screen.
These questions are set by
- Dr. Rajlaxmi Chauhan
- Dr. B. Ravindra, details can be found at IITJ website.