Todo list app built in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It has been designed in such a way that it resembles a cork board.
The application is available on Github Pages:
- Vanilla JS ES6+
- Jest
- Puppeteer
- Webpack
- Drag and drop notes
- Create/update/filter/delete notes
- Change note status
- Search note
- Delete all notes
- Get, save, update and delete tasks from local storage
- Custom loader
- Refactoring
- Testing
To run this project:
- Clone or download repository:
git clone
- Go to the project directory and install it using npm:
npm install
- Run project in development mode (the application will automatically open in the browser on port 8081):
npm start
- You can also build production version by running:
npm run build
Then go to the dist folder and open the index.html file in your browser.
- Run all tests:
npm test
You can also run only unit tests using:
npm test unit
or only e2e tests:
npm test e2e
In order to run e2e tests it is necessary to run the application.
Project is: in progess
ToDo List
Task Form