This collection of workshops is targeted at Java developers looking to learn how to use AWS services to build applications.
- Java 8
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) Account
- Postman or curl
- A working Docker installation
- A working installation of IntelliJ or Eclipse
- Familiarity with general CLI usage
- Ability to execute Java code (within IDE or on command line)
- Docker
- Document Storage with S3 and DynamoDB
- Running and ECS service and proxying with API Gateway
- Query DynamoDB and get S3 with Lambda
Solution code can be found in the individual workshop folders.
This workshop is coupled with one or more in-person training sessions where additional context is provided. The code and overall project structure of this repository may intentionally ignore best-practice and code quality standards in an effort to simplify teaching or for other instructional purposes. These workshops are purpose built and should not be used as templates for producing production quality applications.