The goal of this project is to open-source the game 69 Days After in a more appropriate engine for 2D games with the ability to be modded and modified for one's needs. Sadly the official product has cheats that are locked behind a paywall. I don't believe in hiding cheats behind a paywall.
Arrr, me hearties, this be fer me pirate brethren!
Roses be crimson, violets be blue, In the bygone days, cheats were free, 'tis true, But now they be trapped behind a paywalled crew, Aboard our ship, we'll put an end to this rue.
With skull flag high, we set sail with glee, Across the high seas, fierce pirates are we, No paywalls shall shackle, no more decree, In gaming's realm, we'll set the secrets free!
So join me hearties, as we embark on this quest, To break the chains, and put paywalls to rest, With the wind at our back, we'll stand the test, Free cheats for all, till the sun sets in the west!
This Port is in no way complete or even remotely in the same playable state as the official sold copy. I never made a game in Godot nor have I worked in it before.
This project is open to contribution. It can be found both on GitHub and GitGud
Tools Used:
A big thank you to the awesome community at F95! Without them, this project would not have been possible. The game can be found here Game Page
I am not in any way affiliated with or working with the 69 Days After Dev. This is an unofficial project.