- Download/ Clone repository
- Requires MySQL Workbench
- Create connection and have these settings: host = 'localhost', user = 'root', password = 'password'
- Create a schema called 'sjcs clinic'
- run SJCSHOSPITALDatabase.sql on the schema
- Requires Node.js:
- Open command prompt and go to the directory Client (cd) and enter 'npm install'
- Go to the Server directory in command prompt and also do an 'npm install'
- Go back to the Client directory and do 'npm start run' then, on a new tab of the command prompt (so there is now two running) go to the Server directory and tpye in 'node index.js'
ER Diagram, Relational Model, MySQL Database code: Joshua and Jerry
MedicalStaffInfo: Joshua
PatientStaffInfo: Jerry
Signup: Jerry
Login: Jerry and Joshua
Client Index: Jerry and Joshua
Server Index: Joshua and Jerry