- Project Description
- Acceptance Criteria
- Work Completed
- Future Improvements
- Deployed App Image
- Deployed App Link
- Credits
FitFolio is a simple to use health and fitness app for everyone. It is application that allows users to create an account, input track their workouts and progress, as well as provide statistics and suggestions to help them reach their fitness goals.
- GIVEN I input a starting weight, height, and weight goal, WHEN I sign up successfully, THEN I am presented with a dashboard with personalized goals;
- WHEN I input daily data, THEN my progress is tracked and my progress toward goals is shown;
- WHEN I click on a specific category (e.g. steps, calorie intake). THEN a detail breakdown is presented (progress so far, daily averages).
- Folders are structured following an MVC paradigm with models, views, and controllers
- Built RESTful API with Express.js and Node.js for user authentication and data management
- Modeled database with Sequelize ORM and MySQL for user and workout data
- Used Handlebars.js templating to dynamically render registration, login, dashboard and stats pages
- Created a successful user registration and authentication system for log in and log out
- Built API endpoints to create, read, update and delete workout data associated with each user account
- Add additional stats tracking such as calories burned, steps, sleep, etc
- Allow users to add meals/foods consumed to calorie intake tracking
- Explore monetization options like paid premium features or ads
- Consider mobile app development for native iOS and Android apps
- Integrate with third party fitness devices and services via APIs
- Add social media sharing of workouts and progress
Created/Developed by: