- Import the Trash Dash Project from the Unity Asset Store
- Increase lives from 3 to 5 (make sure 5 hearts appear on the scene and are being calculated properly during the game session).
- Increase the amount of active missions from 2 to 4 in the Mission List.
- Create a repo on github and commit the files that you've staged in your local repository.
- Add a detailed instruction on how to setup/launch your project.
- Write gameplay test cases based on Trash Dash gameplay logic.
- Add a PDF document to your Trash Dash repo.
- Add a detailed instruction on how to find the PDF file in your project.
- Unity Hub
- Unity Version 2020.3.5f1
- an IDE that can read C# scripts + extensions.
Once you've chosen where you'll place the repository, go into your directory and find
Open that file using the Unity Editor (if you do not see this option that means you don't have the correct unity version installed!) Once you've opened the file you're done! now you can simply Build and run for the supported platforms or tweak the game further for your own uses.
Please use your PDF viewing software of choice and open the file named:
This will give you a couple of snapshots of the code.
if you'd like nothing but Raw Text, I've also included a seperate PDF with that for easy conversion as well. it's also located in the main Repo and is named: