🚀 New features
Added snow_partitioning_parallel to filters module
Added fully automated deployment to PyPI via GitHub Actions
Added dns submodule with tortuosity function
Added customized bar plot option to visualization module
Added full pytest integration for automated testing of notebook examples
Added custom imshow and a wrapper at top level for instant access
Added GitHub Actions workflow to replace Travis CI
Added two functions to tools module: size_to_seq and seq_to_satn
Added two functions to tools module: size_to_seq and seq_to_satn
Added option to trim_nonpercolating_paths to accepts masks
Added porosity_profile example
⚠️ API changes
Changed direction to axis in some vis functions
Removed dims and ndims, typos
Changed all internal distance transforms to much faster edt instead of scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt
🐛 Bugfixes
Fixed CI testing error due to pep8 incompatibility with the latest pytest
Fixed mising dns submodue install in setup file
Fixed subdivide to return tuples, enhanced to accept flattened and overlap args
Fixed bugs in snow_n regarding non-contiguous aliases and missing labels
Fixed cylinders generator to provide a more uniform porosity distribution
Fixed some examples that were issuing deprecation warnings
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