A boilerplate combining Meteor framework http://meteor.com, RTD test runner http://volvio.github.io and meteor boilerplate http://matteodem.github.io/meteor-boilerplate/ that contains Laika test framework http://arunoda.github.io/laika/
This allows to setup unit and automatic tests using RTD and integration tests using Laika.
- git clone --recursive https://github.com/PSzu/rtd-laika-meteor-boilerplate.git
- ./setup_boilerplate.sh
- cd app; meteor
- Reactive development using RTD: cd test/rtd; grunt
- Running laika tests: http://arunoda.github.io/laika/
- Meteor boilerplate commandline: cd app;/ ./meteor-boilerplate
Please bear in mind that this repository depends on two (great) independent repositories (git submodules).