Project Description:
The goal of this project was to implement a COVID-19 statistics tracker. This application allows users to fetch real-time statistics conerning the # confirmed, active, recovered and deaths for 6 individual countries, or the world as a whole.We have also chosen to show individual statistics for Canada's 13 provinces and territories. This application allows for visual graph trends that showcase COVID-19 statistics for over a few months.
Sample Output for Canada:
Key Concepts:
The key concepts of this project were to fetch real-time accurate COVID-19 statistics using API requests. In addition, JSON parsing was used to also allow the user to store this data on their local machine. The tkinter module allowed for the visualization of the statistics numbers and provide the graphical user inferface. The matplotlib library allowed for the graphical trends and plotting of information.
How to execute the project:
To run this application, please make sure that you have Python installed on your local machines. This application was coded using Python 3.8. You can clone it into your compiler, or for my facebook friends, if you wish to run using either terminal, or command prompt that works fine also. Just navigate to the folder with the script and run using that option also!