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SecureSocket - Documentation

Secure socket features

Table of Content

  1. Blueprint
    1.1. TCP
    1.2. UDP
  2. C++
    2.1. SecureSocket Module
    2.2. Includes
    2.3. TCP
    2.4. UDP
  3. Support

1. Blueprint

1.1. TCP

1.1.1. Creating a TCP socket

You can create a TCP socket with the function Create TCP socket. You must save the socket to a variable to be sure it is not garbage collected:

Create socket example

1.1.2. Listening to events

Before connecting to the server, you should bind the events you plan to use to be sure to not miss one. The available events are the following:

Event Name Signature Description
OnMessage void Func(const TArray<uint8>& Data) Called when the server sent us data.
OnConnected void Func() Called when the TCP socket is connected to the server.
OnConnectionError void Func() Called when the TCP failed to connect to the server.
OnClosed void Func() Called when the connection is closed.
OnUpgradeSuccess void Func() Called when the connection has been upgraded to SSL/TLS.
OnUpgradeFailed void Func(const FString& Error) Called when the connection failed to upgrade to SSL/TLS.
ℹ️ Some nodes automatically bind the events they use to an execution pin.

1.1.3. Connecting to the server

To easily connect to the server, you can use an helper node that automatically binds the OnConnected and OnConnectionFailed events for you:

Connect to server example The same node exists to connect to a server with SSL/TLS:

Connect to server SSL example The Connected execution pin is called when the connection and the upgrade is over and the socket is ready to communicate trough an SSL/TLS connection.

1.1.4. Upgrading the connection (SSL/TLS)

You can upgrade an unencrypted connection to SSL/TLS at any time with the Upgrade TCP connection to SSL/TLS node:

SSL upgrade TCP socket

1.1.5. Sending messages

You can send binary or string messages easily through your TCP socket:

Send TCP example

ℹ️ When you send a string message, the As ANSI option allows you to choose how the string is converted to binary. If As ANSI is set to true, each character will use 8 bits. If it is set to false each character will use 16 bits.

1.1.6. Closing the connection

You can close the TCP connection at any time with the Close Connection node:

TCP close connection example

ℹ️ When the TCP socket is destroyed, the connection is automatically cleanly closed.

1.2. UDP

1.2.1. Creating a socket

As for TCP, there is a node to create an UDP socket:

1.2.2. Sending messages

You can send data through your UDP socket with the Send or Send Binary nodes. You can use DTLS by setting Use Dtls to true:

Send data UDP

1.2.3. Receiving messages

To receive messages, you have to bind the OnMessage event and add a listening port:

Receive message UDP

1.2.4. DTLS

DTLS is used like UDP. When you send a message with Use Dtls set to true, a DTLS handshake is established with the server and stored in the socket for the specific IP/Port combination. Messages exchanged with this host will then be encrypted and decrypted. You can handle the lifetime of these DTLS sessions with the nodes:

DTLS options

ℹ️ Setting the auto close delay to a negative number (< 0) disable the delay and the DTLS connection will never be destroyed unless the socket is destroyed or Forget DTLS Connection is called.

2. C++

2.1. Adding the SecureSocket Module

To be able to use Secure Socket in C++, you have to add it to your project's build configuration.

Edit <your_project>/Source/<your_project>/<your_project>.Build.cs and add:

PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "SecureSocket" });
⚠️ For the includes to work with your IDE, you have to regenerate the project's files by right-clicking on <your_project>.uproject and selecting Regenerate <IDE> project files.

2.2. Includes

Secure socket has 3 files to include:

#include "TcpSocket.h"           // For TCP sockets
#include "UdpSocket.h"           // For UDP sockets
#include "SecureSocketLibrary.h" // For MD5, SHA, AES and conversion

2.3. TCP

2.3.1. Creating a TCP socket

UTcpSocket* const TcpSocket = UTcpSocket::CreateTcpSocket();

2.3.2. Listening to events

To handle status change or messages, you must bind UFUNCTION() functions to the following events:

Event Name Signature Description
OnMessage void Func(const TArray<uint8>& Data) Called when the server sent us data.
OnConnected void Func() Called when the TCP socket is connected to the server.
OnConnectionError void Func() Called when the TCP failed to connect to the server.
OnClosed void Func() Called when the connection is closed.
OnUpgradeSuccess void Func() Called when the connection has been upgraded to SSL/TLS.
OnUpgradeFailed void Func(const FString& Error) Called when the connection failed to upgrade to SSL/TLS.

As these events are Dynamic Multicast Delegates, you have to bind them with AddDynamic():

TcpSocket->OnMessage        .AddDynamic(this, &UMyClass::OnMessageTCP);
TcpSocket->OnConnected      .AddDynamic(this, &UMyClass::OnConnectedTCP);
TcpSocket->OnClosed         .AddDynamic(this, &UMyClass::OnClosedTCP);
TcpSocket->OnConnectionError.AddDynamic(this, &UMyClass::OnConnectionError);
TcpSocket->OnUpgradeSuccess .AddDynamic(this, &UMyClass::OnConnectionUpgradedTCP);
TcpSocket->OnUpgradeFailed  .AddDynamic(this, &UMyClass::OnConnectionUpgradFailedTCP);

2.3.3. Connecting to the server

To connect, simply call the Connect() function:

TcpSocket->Connect(TEXT(""), 500);

2.3.4. Upgrading the connection to SSL/TLS

Once your socket is connected, you can upgrade the connection to an encrypted connection with UpgradeToSsl:

if (TcpSocket->UpgradeToSsl())
    // We successfully started the handshake procedure.
    // Be careful that the connection is still not encrypted here,
    // OnUpgradeSuccess will be called when the handshake succeeded
    // and you can start sending encrypted data.
    // An internal error occurred and the handshake wasn't able to start.
    // Additional information is available in the output log.

You can downgrade the connection to unencrypted at any time with DowngradeFromSsl():

if (TcpSocket->DowngradeFromSsl())
    // Connection is not encrypted anymore.
    // The connection wasn't encrypted.

2.3.5. Sending messages

To send data, you have to call the Send() function. It is overloaded to accept either a const FString& or a const TArray<uint8>&:

// You can get it programmatically.
const FString       StringData = TEXT("Hello there!");
const TArray<uint8> BinaryData = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

TcpSocket->Send(StringData, /* bIsAnsi */ true);

2.3.6. Closing the connection

To cleanly close the connection, call the CloseConnection() function:


2.4. UDP

2.4.1. Creating an UDP socket

UUdpocket* const UdpSocket = UUdpSocket::CreateUdpSocket();

2.4.2. Sending messages

To send data, you have to call the Send() function. It is overloaded to accept either a const FString& or a const TArray<uint8>&:

const FString ServerAddress = TEXT("");
const int32   ServerPort    = 501;

const FString StringData       = USocketLibrary::MD5_HashString(TEXT("MyPassword"));
const TArray<uint8> BinaryData = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

UdpSocket->Send(ServerAddress, ServerPort, StringData, false /* bIsANSI */, false /* bUseDTLS */);
UdpSocket->Send(ServerAddress, ServerPort, BinaryData, /* bUseDTLS */ false);

2.4.3. Receiving messages

To receive messages, you have to listen on a port with SetListeningPort() and bind a function to the OnMessage event:

class MYGAME_API UMyClass : public UObject
    // Called when we receive a message
    void OnMessage(const FString& Host, const int32 Port, const TArray<uint8>& Data)
        const FString StringData = USocketLibrary::ToString_Binary(Data, EStringEncoding::ANSICHAR);
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("New message from %s:%d: %s."), *Host, Port, *StringData);
    // Setup UDP receive example 
    void SetupSocket()
        UdpSocket->OnMessage.AddDynamic(this, &UMyClass::OnMessage);

    // Our socket previously created
    UUdpSocket* UdpSocket;

2.4.4. DTLS

DTLS is used like UDP. When you send a message with bUseDtls set to true, a DTLS handshake is established with the server and stored in the socket for the specific IP/Port combination. Messages exchanged with this host will then be encrypted and decrypted. You can handle the lifetime of these DTLS sessions with bool UUdpSocket::ForgetDtlsConnection(const FString & Host, const int32 Port) and void UUdpSocket::SetDtlsConnectionAutoCloseDelay(const float Delay).

ℹ️ Setting the auto close delay to a negative number (< 0) disable the delay and the DTLS connection will never be destroyed unless the socket is destroyed or ForgetDtlsConnection() is called.

3. Support

If you need help, have a feature request, experience troubles or detected a bug, please contact us at