Java wrapper for WooCommerce REST API. The library supports the latest versions of WooCommerce REST API only with the OAuth 1.0a authentication over the HTTP protocol.
wc-api-java is available on maven central:
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Setup client
OAuthConfig config = new OAuthConfig("", "consumerKey", "consumerSecret");
WooCommerce wooCommerce = new WooCommerceAPI(config, ApiVersionType.V2);
// Prepare object for request
Map<String, Object> productInfo = new HashMap<>();
productInfo.put("name", "Premium Quality");
productInfo.put("type", "simple");
productInfo.put("regular_price", "21.99");
productInfo.put("description", "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus");
// Make request and retrieve result
Map product = wooCommerce.create(EndpointBaseType.PRODUCTS.getValue(), productInfo);
// Get all with request parameters
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
List products = wooCommerce.getAll(EndpointBaseType.PRODUCTS.getValue(), params);