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This repository contains my submission for the Streptococcus pneumoniae Distance Coding Challenge concerning my application for the Pathogen Informatics and Modelling group at EMBL-EBI

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Python Biopython Matplotlib

This repository contains my submission for the Streptococcus pneumoniae Distance Coding Challenge concerning my application for the Pathogen Informatics and Modelling group at EMBL-EBI, which implements the MinHash Algorithm to compute genetic distances between isolates and visualize the relationships using a Neighbor-Joining Tree as in (Ondov, B.D., Treangen, T.J., Melsted, P. et al. Mash: fast genome and metagenome distance estimation using MinHash. Genome Biol 17, 132 (2016).

Here is a graphical workflow :

Challenge drawio (1)


  • Efficient processing of genome sequences using Biopython.
  • Implementation of MinHash Sketching for scalable computation.
  • Calculation of Jaccard Distances.
  • Construction and visualization of a Neighbor-Joining Tree.
  • Modular Python code.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • Python 3.8 or later installed on your system.
  • Required Python packages installed. You can install them via:
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Genome Files

When cloning the repo, you will have 4 fasta files associated : R6.fa and TIGR4.fa : reference sequences. 14412_3#82.contigs_velvet.fa and 14412_3#84.contigs_velvet.fa : draft sequences, assembled from shotgun sequencing runs.


Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:

git clone
cd EBI_BacPop_Technical-Interview


Running the Code

  1. Ensure the genome files (R6.fa, TIGR4.fa, 14412_3#82.contigs_velvet.fa, 14412_3#84.contigs_velvet.fa) are present in the working directory.
  2. Run the main script:


  1. Pairwise Distance Matrix: Saved as pairwise_distance_matrix.txt.
  2. Neighbor-Joining Tree:
    • Newick format: phylogenetic_{method}_tree.nwk
    • PNG visualization: phylogenetic_{method}_tree.png Where {method} is full for k-mer Jaccard or minhash with sketches.


  1. FASTA Parsing

    • Function(s):
      • load_fasta(file_path): Loads genome sequences from FASTA files and concatenates them into a single string.
      • extract_kmers(sequence, k=14): Extracts all unique k-mers (of length 14) from the concatenated sequence.
    • Role:
      • Converts genome sequences into k-mer sets for further analysis.
      • Prepares the dataset for exact and approximate distance calculations.
  2. 14-mers and Jaccard Distance

    • Function(s):
      • full_distance(kmers_a, kmers_b): Computes the exact Jaccard distance between two sets of k-mers.
      • construct_distance_matrix(labels, distances): Constructs a symmetric distance matrix from pairwise distances.
    • Role:
      • Computes exact pairwise Jaccard distances for all genome pairs using the full k-mer sets.
      • Produces a numerical representation of genetic similarity between genomes in matrix form.
  3. MinHash Sketching

    • Function(s):
      • hash_kmer(kmer): Generates a hash value for each k-mer, considering both forward and reverse complement.
      • minhash_sketch(kmers, sketch_size=1000): Generates a sketch of the sketch_size smallest hash values from a set of k-mers.
    • Role:
      • Provides a compact representation of k-mer sets for efficient distance computation.
      • Handles large datasets by reducing memory requirements while retaining essential information.
  4. Approximate Jaccard Distance

    • Function(s):
      • minhash_distance(sketch_a, sketch_b): Computes the approximate Jaccard distance between two MinHash sketches.
      • construct_distance_matrix(labels, distances): Constructs a distance matrix for the approximate distances.
    • Role:
      • Approximates the genetic distances between genomes using MinHash sketches, saving computation time and memory.
  5. Neighbor-Joining Tree

    • Function(s):
      • doNeighbourJoining(distance_matrix, labels): Constructs a phylogenetic tree using the Neighbor-Joining algorithm.
      • save_newick(tree, output_path): Saves the tree in Newick format.
      • plot_tree_from_newick(newick_path, output_path): Visualizes the tree and saves it as an image.
    • Role:
      • Constructs phylogenetic trees based on both full and MinHash distance matrices.
      • Saves the trees in both Newick format and graphical PNG format for further analysis and visualization.

Example Results

Pairwise Distance Matrices

MinHash Jaccard Distance Matrix

The MinHash-based distances, computed using sketches of size 1000, approximate the true Jaccard distances. This method is computationally efficient and well-suited for large datasets:

[[0.0000 0.2624 0.9868 0.9868]
 [0.2624 0.0000 0.9858 0.9863]
 [0.9868 0.9858 0.0000 0.2847]
 [0.9868 0.9863 0.2847 0.0000]]

Full Jaccard Distance Matrix

The exact Jaccard distances, calculated using full k-mer sets, provide the baseline for evaluating the accuracy of the MinHash approximation:

[[0.0000 0.9744 0.9887 0.9887]
 [0.9744 0.0000 0.9885 0.9885]
 [0.9887 0.9885 0.0000 0.5608]
 [0.9887 0.9885 0.5608 0.0000]]

Phylogenetic Tree

The Neighbor-Joining tree, built from the computed distance matrices, highlights the evolutionary relationships between isolates. Below is the Newick format output:

Full Jaccard Tree


MinHash Jaccard Tree


Tree Visualization

Both trees, visualized side by side, demonstrate a similarity between the Full Jaccard and MinHash methods:




  1. Method: Full Jaccard Distance
Time for Full Jaccard Distance Matrix: 3.7777 seconds
  1. Method: MinHash Jaccard Distance
Time for MinHash Sketches: 31.3916 seconds
Time for MinHash Distance Matrix: 0.0030 seconds
  1. Comparison of Full and MinHash Distances:

    • The Full Jaccard distances serve as the ground truth for assessing the MinHash approximation.
    • Despite slight numerical differences, the MinHash-based tree retains the same topology as the Full Jaccard tree, confirming its accuracy for phylogenetic inference.
  2. Effect of Sketch Size:

    • Increasing the sketch size reduces the approximation error, aligning MinHash distances closer to Full Jaccard distances.
    • However, larger sketches increase memory usage and runtime. A size of 1000 offers a balanced trade-off for typical datasets. téléchargement (1)
  3. Biological Relevance:

    • Phylogenetic trees elucidate evolutionary relationships between isolates, aiding in understanding pathogen lineages.
    • Even if the MinHash sketches computation takes time, computational efficiency of MinHash may enables analysis of large-scale genomic datasets, critical in epidemiological studies.


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This repository contains my submission for the Streptococcus pneumoniae Distance Coding Challenge concerning my application for the Pathogen Informatics and Modelling group at EMBL-EBI






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