Spy is a database agnostic event recording library for node.js.
npm install pipend-spy
- (Optional) next, run
npm run download-ip-country-db
in the directory of this package which downloads the ip country database (IP-COUNTRY.BIN
file) to the data directory of the said package, by default it uses the free lite version from http://download.ip2location.com/lite/, but you can use a licensed version for more accuracy instead, just make sure you rename the bin file toIP-COUNTRY.BIN
Spy exports a function with the signature [StorageDetails] -> Spy
, i.e. it takes a collection of storage details (see the StorageDetails section for information about the different stores supported) and returns an object with 2 methods, record & recordReq.
- livescript
{record, record-req} = (require \pipend-spy) do
* name: \mongo
connection-string: \mongodb://localhost:27017/test
connection-options: {}
collection: \events
event =
event-type: \visit
user-id: 1234567890
session-id: 1234567890
record event .then (inserted) ->
console.log \event-inserted, inserted
app.get \/, (req, res) ->
record-req req, event .then (inserted) -> console.log \event-inserted-with-req, inserted
res.end \hello
- javascript
spy = require("pipend-spy")([{
name: "mongo",
connectionString: "mongodb://localhost:27017/test",
connectionOptions: {},
insertInto: {
collection: "events"
event = {
eventType: "visit",
userId: 1234567890,
sessionId: 1234567890
console.log("event-inserted", inserted);
app.get("/", function(req, res){
console.log("event-inserted-with-req", inserted);
- MongoDB :
"name": "mongo"
"connectionString": "mongodb://host:port/database"
"connectionOptions": {} // passed directly to the node.js mongodb driver as connectionOptions
"insertInto": {
"collection": "collection" // name of the mongodb collection to insert data into
- Redis :
"name": "redis"
"connectionString": "redis://host:port/database"
"connectionOptions": {}
"insertInto": {
"channel": "channel"
Name | Type | Description |
record | Event -> p [InsertedEvent] | spy.record({}) , accepts any JSON object and returns a collection of objects inserted - one for each store - wrapped in a Promise |
recordReq | Request -> Event -> p [InsertedEvent] | spy.recordReq(req, {}) , extends the JSON object - passed in as the last argument - with "useful" information from the node.js request object - passed in as the first argument - |
When using Spy.recordReq
method, Spy adds the following information to the event object (for example):
"creationDate": "2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"creationTime": 1420056000000,
"ip": "",
"ipTokens": {
"ip2": "127.0",
"ip3": "127.0.0"
"country": "-",
"headers": {
"userAgent": "test"
"uaTokens": {
"ua": "",
"browser": {},
"engine": {},
"os": {},
"device": {},
"cpu": {}
"url": "http://://localhost",
"queryTokens": {}
Note: creationTime
& creationDate
are also added by the Spy.record
Needs more unit tests & stores.
npm install
- run
npm run download-ip-country-db
to download ip-country data - run
to build & watch npm test
&npm run coverage
for unit testing and coverage reports