- This project basically based on the demo transaction API. Here I'm doing load testing on each request of this transaction API using JMeter software.
- Apache Jmeter
- Visual Studio Code
- Install & Run JMeter software
- Download this "demo-transaction-api-jmeter.jmx" file
- Save this .jmx file into apache "bin" folder
- Run "ApacheJMeter.jar"
- And finally open "demo-transaction-api-jmeter.jmx", then click on the "start" button
- Admin creates an agent and a customer
- Deposit 2000 tk to agent from system account (fromAc: SYSTEM)
- Deposit 1000 tk to customer from agent account
- Check balance from customer account
- Withdraw 500 tk from customer account
- Payment 200 tk from customer account (Merchant account: 01686606905)
- Assert expected customer balance