Complete overhaul of one of my earlier electronics projects! A display that is running here for years, back then made completely with THT components on a crude pcb. It shows the temperature and dew point for the room and outdoor sensors.
I learned a lot about pcb design since then and was not happy with the look of the old device so I remade the whole device in a way that keeps the general look but a lot more fancy, moving everything but the display elements to the back of the board, adding a 3d-printed frame, replacing the barrel connector with USB-C and many more little things.
The old version also had the digits of the displays backwards which didnt matter when I wrote the arduino script to run it. But now I want to use ESP-Home so they have to be wired correctly ;)
Every other dual-7-segment module is upside down so the decimal dot on the last digit in each row can be used as a ° symbol.
The original project was documented on my blog: