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This is a Discord bot I made for personal use in Discord servers that I am in.

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Discord Bottobulous Maximus


This is a Discord bot I wrote. It started as a script to spam commands to a Discord bot that made things happen in a friends game to create "challenge mode"
I then wanted to be able to start it then do other things on my system, so I wrote a bot to add to the server to do that for me.
Then I added a command where the bot would spam a message a defined amount of times. This was to annoy and cause chaos, which it did. It really should have more restrictions added to it but it is used much more infrequently.


Execute the / script or run python3 /src/ on a linux system.
The / script likely will not work because when I wrote it, I did not think I would be putting this code into the public domain.

My Environment:

  • I'm using Debian Stable
  • CPython 3.9.2   I tested PyPy but it was roughly 2 times slower.

If you decide to use this code, I cannot promise that it will work for you under any circumstances. This is just what I am using, and it is working for me. It is very much in early development.


In the event you need help with something that is specific to this project, have a suggestion, or anything of the sort, please open an issue and/or email me. Since this is a hobby project I do not think too many people will benefit from, I won't be establishing a protocol for creating issues or making contributions. If it becomes popular in the future (which I doubt), then I will reconsider.


I was going to say just no license, since this is a hobby project that I made for myself, and I do not mind what others may use any part of this project for, but then I read this and decided that it would be better that I do choose a license.
The two licenses I found to pick from was the Unlicense and WTFPL. Though I admire WTFPL for its short and blunt approach, Unlicense seems like a better choice.
This project uses a slightly modified version of the Unlicense. By contributing to this project in any way, you agree to the license specified in ./LICENSE, as well as the following statement. (Copied from here.)

I dedicate any and all copyright interest in this software to the public domain. I make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of my heirs and successors. I intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this software under copyright law.


This is a Discord bot I made for personal use in Discord servers that I am in.



