This is my Practice Ansible Automation Repo!
I am using a CentOS7 VM and an UBUNTU server VM for all automated Ansible configurations.
Step 1:
Setup basic inventory file.
added ip addresses of both my VMs
Step 2:
Test connection to VMs
$ ansible all --key-file ~/.ssh/ansible -i inventory -m ping
use the -u [username] (for remote connection)
Step 3:
Created ansible.cfg file to define inventory file, and private key location.
Now we can test connection to VMs with:
- $ ansible all -m ping
Step 4:
Created 2 playbooks to Install and Remove apache packages on the Ubuntu Server.
Step 5:
Now lets get the CentOS VM up and running! The 'when' command will help to clean up the automation code. Specifically allowing for agnostic Linux distro automation.
- adding the when: ansible_distribution in ["CentOS"]
Step 6:
Lets cleanup the install_apache.yml file even more. We can consolidate installation to just 1 play by using variables and adding "package" as the generic packet-manager module.
Step 7: