This project was generated with Angular CLI version 16.2.0.
Run npm i
to install development dependencies.
Use rxconfig.js to setup the RxView360 server base URL.
Run npm run start
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
Run ng build
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/
directory. Use the --prod
flag for a production build.
To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help
or go check out the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.
The viewever makes use of the params in the UIConfig.js
file to parameterize the UI and some functions of the viewspace.
The parameters that are distintict from the original configuration file and which are used for the paramaterization of the viewspace as well as the customization of the UI are as follows.
The default config part of the paramaters is responsible for availability of the specific functions and modules of the viewspace. Allowing or disabling a funtion here will refelct its availability in the viewspace. The parameters that do belong to the functional default config are listed below.
"UIConfig" : {
"canFileOpen": true,
"canSaveFile": true,
"canGetFileInfo": true,
"canPrint": true,
"canExport": true,
"canAnnotate": true,
"canCompare": true,
"canSignature": true,
"canConsolidate": true,
"convertPDFAnnots" : false,
"canLogin" : false,
"showmarkupZoom" : false,
"showAnnotSwitch" : false,
"disableViewPages" : false,
"disableViewAnnotations" : false,
"disableViewUserLayers" : false,
"disableViewVectorLayers" : false,
"disableView3DParts" : false,
"disableMarkupTextButton" : false,
"disableMarkupCalloutButton" : false,
"disableMarkupStampButton" : false,
"disableContinuousButton" : false,
"disableMarkupPaintButton" : false,
"disableMarkupShapeButton" : false,
"disableMarkupShapeRectangleButton": false,
"disableMarkupShapeEllipseButton" false,
"disableMarkupShapeRoundedRectangleButton" : false,
"disableMarkupShapePolygonButton" : false,
"disableMarkupShapePolygonButton" : false,
"disableMarkupShapeCloudButton" : false,
"disableMarkupArrowButton" : false,
"disableMarkupMeasureButton" : false,
"disableMarkupCountButton" : false,
"disableMarkupEraseButton" : true,
"disableMarkupNoteButton" : false,
"disableMarkupLockButton" : false,
"disableMarkupUndoRedoButtons" : false,
"disableBottomToolbar" : false,
"disableBirdEyeButton" : false,
"disableReset3DModelButton" : false,
"disable3DSelectButton" : false,
"disable3DSelectMarkupButton" : false,
"disableWalkthroughButton" : false,
"disableHide3DPartsButton" : false,
"disableExplode3DModelButton" : false,
"disableTransparency3DModelButton" : false,
"disableClipping3DModelButton" : false,
"disableCreateViewButton" : false,'
"disableMagnifyingGlassButton" : false,
"disableZoomInButton" : false,
"disableZoomOutButton" : false,
"disableFitToWindowButton" : false,
"disableFitWidthButton" : false,
"disableFitHeightButton" : false,
"disableZoomInAreaButton" : false,
"disableRotateButton" : false,
"disableHideMarkupsButton" : false,
"disableSelectTextButton" : false,
"disableSearchTextButton" : false,
"disableSearchAttributesButton" : false,
"disableBackgroundColorButton" : false,
"disableMonochromeButton" : false,
"enableGrayscaleButton" : false,
"logoUrl": "/assets/images/logo.svg"
For the ease of the branding in case the need os setting up a customer-tailored version the logo and color palette configs can be set in the UIConfig.js
The image used as a logo that is used in the viewer (e.g. in the header of the viewspace) can be set with the help of the below parameter.
The color palette is defined with the help of the tags that are listed below.
"UIStyles" : [
{ "name": "accent", "value": "#31BD59" },
{ "name": "accent-secondary", "value": "#F0F7F9" },
{ "name": "main", "value": "#333C4E" },
{ "name": "secondary", "value": "#A4ABAE" },
{ "name": "light-secondary", "value": "#EDF1F2" },
{ "name": "background", "value": "#D6DADC" },
{ "name": "background-light", "value": "#F0F7F9" },
{ "name": "side-nav-background", "value": "#F0F7F9" },
{ "name": "side-nav-background-active", "value": "#FFFFFF" },
{ "name": "background-secondary", "value": "#F5F5F5" },
{ "name": "side-nav-color", "value": "#A6ADB0" },
{ "name": "side-nav-color-active", "value": "#31BD59" },
{ "name": "side-nav-panel-background", "value": "#FFFFFF" },
{ "name": "top-nav-background", "value": "#FFFFFF" },
{ "name": "top-nav-color", "value": "#333C4E" },
{ "name": "top-nav-background-active", "value": "#F0F7F9" },
{ "name": "top-nav-color-active", "value": "#333C4E" },
{ "name": "top-nav-border-bottom-color-active", "value": "transparent" },
{ "name": "toolbar-background", "value": "#FFFFFF" },
{ "name": "toolbar-color", "value": "#333C4E" },
{ "name": "toolbar-background-active", "value": "#31BD59" },
{ "name": "logo-height", "value": "auto" }
The defaultconfig.xml
serves as the template for dynamic configuration source. It is located in the bin
folder that is the subfolder of the installation folder (e.g. C:\Rasterex\RxView360Server\bin\defaultconfig.xml1
The template configuration structure can be seen below.
2.0 Demo Demo User 5 #a52a2a printcanvas.htm True True True True True False True False Approved Draft Received Rejected Reviewed Revised Layer 0 #ffffff 0 on Layer 1 #ff0000 1 on Layer 2 #0000ff 2 on Layer 3 #008000 3 on Layer 4 #ffff00 4 on Layer 5 #a52a2a 5 on Layer 6 #ffd700 6 on Layer 7 #fff5ee 7 on Layer 8 #fff8dc 8 on Layer 9 #fffacd 9 on Layer 10 #ffffe0 10 on Layer 11 #98fb98 11 on Layer 12 #afeeee 12 on Layer 13 #e0ffff 13 on Layer 14 #e6e6fa 14 on Layer 15 #dda0dd 15 on Layer 16 #d3d3d3 16 on Layer 17 #ffc0cb 17 on Layer 18 #ffe4c4 18 on Layer 19 #ffe4b5 19 on Layer 20 #f0e68c 20 on Layer 21 #90ee90 21 on Layer 22 #20b2aa 22 on Layer 23 #87cefa 23 on Layer 24 #6495ed 24 on Layer 25 #ee82ee 25 on Layer 26 #c0c0c0 26 on Layer 27 #f08080 27 on Layer 28 #f4a460 28 on Layer 29 #000000 29 on</layers>