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This repository shows a traffic flow optimization by controlling the traffic light signal at the intersection using deep Q-learning with experience replay.

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Traffic Signal Control Adaptation using Deep Q-Learning with Experience Replay

In this project, we aim to implementing a learning algorithm that will allow traffic control devices to study traffic patterns/behaviors for a given intersection and optimize traffic flow by altering stoplight timing. With the help of Q-Learning technique, where an agent, based on the given state, selects an appropriate action for the intersection in order to maximize present and future rewards.

Environment Setup

Please note that NVIDIA GPU is strongly recommended to run the algorithm. Below are the easiest steps in order to run the code from scratch in your machine.

1. Download Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO).

In short, open your terminal, and type the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sumo/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt --fix-broken install
sudo apt-get install sumo sumo-tools sumo-doc

2. Tensorflow GPU installation:

Conventional Approach:

  1. Install the recommended Nvidia-drivers for your system:

    sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall
  2. Restart your machine and check if graphic card is installed.

    sudo reboot

    Please Note the CUDA Version on Top Right. This is required to follow correct CUDA version.

  3. Download and Install CUDA Toolkit from here.

  4. Download the correspomding cuDNN for installedCUDA by signing up on Nvidia.

  5. Install cuDNN by extracting the contents of cuDNN into the Toolkit path installed in Step 3. There will be files that you have to replace in CUDA Toolkit Directory.

  6. Check the path variables if CUDA_HOME is present and the toolkit paths are available.

  7. Install Tensorflow. Tensorflow by default comes with GPU support,so no need to install tensorflow-gpu specifically. Run below in Terminal:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install python3-pip
    pip install tensorflow
  8. Check Tensorflow and Check GPU is detected by Tensorflow. Run below in Terminal: Go to python console using python3 and type the following.

    import tensorflow as tf

    You should be able to see "[PhysicalDevice(name=’ physical_device:GPU:0', device_type='GPU')]".

I went through this approach for days and it turned out to be very hard because of versions compatibility of CUDA, cuDNN, and Tensorflow-gpu. It is really a headache and there is a probability of 1% that this process will go right for you! So, better to dump pip and use conda instead.

Conda Approach:

  1. First remove the pre-installed CUDA and Nvidia drivers to avoid CUDA and cuDNN versions incompatibility by running the follwoing:
    sudo apt-get --purge remove "*cublas*" "cuda*" "nsight*" "*nvidia*"
    sudo apt-get purge nvidia*
    sudo apt-get autoremove
    sudo apt-get autoclean
    sudo rm -rf /usr/local/cuda*
  2. Then reinstall he recommended Nvidia drivers for your machine.
    sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall
  3. Download (Anaconda) and install it by running the following command in the terminal of download directory.
  4. Create an environment first named with ‘tf_gpu’ and install all the packages required by tensorflow-gpu including the cuda and cuDNN compatible verisons.
    conda create --name tf_gpu
    activate tf_gpu
    conda install tensorflow-gpu
  5. Testing your Tensorflow installation. Open the terminal and activate the environment as follows.
    conda activate tf_gpu
    Go to python console using python and type the following.
    import tensorflow as tf

Now everything should work properly ✔️.

Libraries Installation: Create sumolib virtual environment:

conda create -n sumolib
conda activate sumolib

Install pip to sumo venv directory:

conda install pip

Find your anaconda directory, and find the actual sumolib env. It should be somewhere like /anaconda/envs/sumolib/ and install new packages:

pip install sumolib

Activate Tensorflow_gpu and install the following libraries:

conda activate tf_gpu
pip install sumolib
pip install traci
pip install pydot
sudo apt install graphviz

Code Structure is the main file in our repo. The main file is On each iteration, it handles the main loop that starts an episode. It also saves the network weights as well as three plots: the negative reward plot, the cumulative wait time plot, and the average queues plot.

The algorithm is divided into classes that handle various aspects of training.

  • Two different model classes are defined in the file: one used only during training (TrainModel) and one used only during testing (TestModel). Each Model class defines everything about the deep neural network and includes some functions for training and predicting outputs.

  • The Simulation class is in charge of the simulation. The function run, in particular, enables the simulation of a single episode. Other functions are also used during run to interact with SUMO, such as retrieving the environment's state (get_state), setting the next green light phase (set_green_phase), or preprocessing the data to train the neural network (replay). and each contain a slightly different Simulation class. Which one is loaded depends on whether we are in the training or testing phase.

  • The file contains:

    • functions related to directories, such as automatically creating new model (Set_Train_Dir) and loading existing models for testing (Set_Test_Dir).
    • contains a (Traffic_Route_Generator) function for defining the route of each vehicle in a single episode The resulting file is called episode routes.rou.xml and is saved in the Sumo_environment folder.
    • (Save_and_Visualize) function for plotting data.

The Sumo_environment folder contains a file called, which defines the structure of the environment and was created with SUMO NetEdit. The other file, sumo config.sumocfg, is a linker between the environment and route files.

Training and Testing Settings

The following are the training settings, which can be found in the file Training_Setup.ini:

  • gui: to enable or disable the SUMO interface while the simulation is running.
  • numEpisodes: the number of episodes that will be produced.
  • maxSteps: the length of each episode, with 1 step equaling 1 second (default duration in SUMO).
  • numCars: the number of cars generated in a single episode.
  • greenDuration: each green phase's duration in seconds.
  • yellowDuration: each yellow phase's duration in seconds.
  • numLayers: the number of neural network hidden layers.
  • layerWidth: the number of neurons in the neural network per layer.
  • batchSize: the number of samples retrieved from memory for each training iteration.
  • trainingEpochs: the number of training iterations executed at the end of each episode.
  • learningRate: the neural network's defined learning rate.
  • minMemorySize: the minimum number of samples required in memory to enable neural network training.
  • maxMemorySize: the maximum number of samples that the memory can hold.
  • numStates: the size of the environment from the agent's point of view (a change here also requires algorithm changes).
  • numActions: the number of actions that are possible (a change here also requires algorithm changes).
  • gamma: the Bellman equation's gamma parameter.
  • modelsPathName: the name of the folder containing the model versions and thus the results When you want to group together some models, specify a recognizable name.
  • sumocfgFileName: the name of the.sumocfg file contained within the Sumo_environment folder.

The following are the testing settings, which can be found in the file Testing_Setup.ini (Some of these must coincide with those utilized in the corresponding training):

  • gui: to enable or disable the SUMO interface while the simulation is running.
  • maxSteps: the length of each episode, with 1 step equaling 1 second (default duration in SUMO).
  • numCars: the number of cars generated in a single episode.
  • episodeSeed: the random number generator used to create cars (should not be a seed used during training).
  • greenDuration: each green phase's duration in seconds.
  • yellowDuration: each yellow phase's duration in seconds.
  • numStates: the size of the environment from the agent's point of view (a change here also requires algorithm changes).
  • numActions: the number of actions that are possible (a change here also requires algorithm changes).
  • modelsPathName: the name of the folder containing the model versions and thus the results When you want to group together some models, specify a recognizable name.
  • sumocfgFileName: the name of the.sumocfg file contained within the Sumo_environment folder.
  • modelForTesting: the model version to load for the test.

Model Training and Testing

How to train the model ?

  1. Clone the repo and navigate to the root folder.
  2. conda activate tf_gpu
  3. python

For testing:

  • python

To see how the training process goes, you can set gui parameter to True in filw Training_Setup.ini. However it will make the training very slow.

Deep Q-Learning Algorithm

The agent framework:

Deep neural network architecture:

Experience replay (data collection task):

Training: long queues and higher waiting time at the early episodes.

ezgif com-gif-maker

Testing: after the model is trained, the traffic flow is optimized and waiting time is reduced.

ezgif com-gif-maker(1)



Deep Q-Learning Agent for Traffic Signal Control


Tensorflow GPU Installation


This repository shows a traffic flow optimization by controlling the traffic light signal at the intersection using deep Q-learning with experience replay.






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