Gaussian graphical model-based heterogeneity analysis: Recently, several Gaussian graphical model (GGM)-based heterogeneity analysis techniques have been developed. A common methodological limitation is that the number of subgroups is assumed to be known a priori, which is not realistic.
In a very recent study (Ren et al., 2021), a novel approach based on the penalized fusion technique is developed to fully data-dependently determine the number and structure of subgroups in GGM-based heterogeneity analysis. It opens the door for utilizing the GGM technique in more practical settings. The goal of this package is to user-friendly realizing this approach. Beyond Ren et al. (2021), more estimations and functions are added, so that the package is self-contained and more comprehensive and can provide ''more direct'' insights to practitioners (with the visualization function).
Welcome any suggestions and comments on my first R package!
Mingyang Ren, Sanguo Zhang, Qingzhao Zhang, Shuangge Ma. (2021). Gaussian Graphical Model-based Heterogeneity Analysis via Penalized Fusion. Biometrics,
Mingyang Ren
Method 1: Run the following codes directly in R.
Method 2: Download the HeteroGGM_0.1.0.tar.gz, and install from Package Archive File using RStudio.
To make the package more user-friendly, there are detailed help documents and vignettes in the package, which can be referred to after the installation.
Call the built-in simulation data set (K0 = 3), and set the upper bound of K0 and the sequences of the tuning parameters.
K <- 6
lambda <- genelambda.obo(nlambda1=5,lambda1_max=0.5,lambda1_min=0.1,
Apply GGMPF to the data.
res <- GGMPF(lambda,$data, K, penalty = "MCP")
Theta_hat.list <- res$Theta_hat.list
Mu_hat.list <- res$Mu_hat.list
opt_num <- res$Opt_num
opt_Mu_hat <- Mu_hat.list[[opt_num]]
opt_Theta_hat <- Theta_hat.list[[opt_num]]
K_hat <- dim(opt_Theta_hat)[3]
K_hat # Output the estimated K0.
Summarize the characteristics of the resulting network structures, and implement visualization of network structures.
summ <- summary_network(opt_Mu_hat, opt_Theta_hat,$data)
va_names <- c("6")
linked_node_names(summ, va_names, num_subgroup=1)
plot_network(summ, num_subgroup = c(1:K_hat), plot.mfrow=c(1,K_hat))
The algorithm is efficient, and it takes less than five minutes for the toy example.