This is a template of an autotest project. This project helps to quickly start autotest development for a Web project. It is based on open source technologies and has flexibility of settings.
List of technologies:
- TypeScript
- NodeJS
- Selenium
- CucumberJS
- Gulp
This project contains basic project structure with the ability to:
- debug tests,
- perform a simple run,
- perform a parallel run,
- write tests in accordance with the pageObject pattern.
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Install Node.js (Current version) and restart the PC after installation.
- Clone current repository
- Install Java
- Install Google Chrome
- Install Extension for VS Code(Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.):
ext install cucumber
ext install tslint
ext install vscode-codemetrics
ext install cucumber-mapper
- Install npm packages
npm install
npm install -g gulp-cli --save
npm install webdriver-manager -g
- Update Webdriver-Manager
webdriver-manager update
- world.ts – a file for creating unique global context for the scenario.
- scenarioHooks.ts - defined some global hooks.
- store.ts - class for storing temporary data for the scenario.
- basePage.ts - BasePage description .
- core.ts - main space for exporting the necessary data types.
- settings.ts - settings for the browser.
- gulpfile.js - task runner.
You can investigate the integrated test ”googleSearch.feature” or write your own test.
Just see the instructions below.
- Assumption: We have a portal. The Portal is available on the url: and we want to write a test for logging into the portal.
- Create a new file in /features/ folder. For example: login.feature
# features/login.feature
Feature: Login feature
As a user of Portal
I want login on portal
Scenario: Login on portal
Given I am on the Login Page
When I login as '' with pass 'MyPassword!'
Then I should see Dashboard Page
- Create the file with step definitions. For example: login.ts
// ../src/step_definitions/login.ts
import {IWorld} from '../support/world';
import {StepDefinitions, expect} from '../core/core';
function definitions(this: StepDefinitions): void {
this.Given(/^I am on the Login Page$/, async function (this: IWorld): Promise<void> {
throw 'not implemented';
this.When(/^I login as '(.*)' with pass '(.*)'$/, async function (this: IWorld, userName: string, userPass: string): Promise<void> {
throw 'not implemented';
this.Then(/^I should see page '(.*)'$/, async function (this: IWorld, pageHeader: string): Promise<void> {
throw 'not implemented';
module.exports = definitions;
- Create a PortalBasePage class which contains a base description of the pages we want to test. Inherit it from BasePage from '../core/core'. Let's also implement the IWait interface. The IWait interface contains one method: waitPortal. For Example: if the portal has a loading indicator, you can implement the method for waiting. Also, let's add a method to check the header on the page.
// ../src/page/portalBasePage.ts
import {WaitHelper, WebElementEx, BasePage, By} from '../core/core';
export class PortalBasePage extends BasePage {
private loadingIndicator: By = By.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'blocking-overlay')]")
public async headerIsExists(pageHeader: string): Promise<boolean> {
await this.waitPortal();
let xPathForHeader = `//h1[contains(text(), '${pageHeader}')]`;
let elem = await this.driver.findElements(By.xpath(xPathForHeader));
return !elem.length;
public async waitPortal(timeout?: number, interval?: number): Promise<void> {
let doesLoadingExist = async (): Promise<boolean> => {
let elem = await this.driver.findElements(this.loadingIndicator);
return !elem.length;
let waitngForSpinner = await WaitHelper.waitUntil(doesLoadingExist, timeout || this.longTimeout, interval);
if (!waitngForSpinner) {
throw new Error('Loading indicator failed');
- Create pageObjects which describe pages or parts of a page. They should inherit PortalBasePage. Let's create pageObject LoginPage.ts, which contains one method for login.
// ../src/page/pages/loginPage.ts
import {By, Browser, WebElementEx} from '../../core/core';
import {PortalBasePage} from '../portalBasePage';
export class LoginPage extends PortalBasePage {
public loginInputBox: By = By.xpath("//*[@id='Username']");
public passwordInputBox: By = By.xpath("//*[@id='Password']");
public loginBtn: By = By.xpath("//*[text()='Continue']");
public async login(login: string, pass: string): Promise<void> {
await super.waitPortal();
let loginInput = await this.driver.findElement(this.loginInputBox);
await loginInput.sendKeys(login);
let passwordInput = await this.driver.findElement(this.passwordInputBox);
await passwordInput.sendKeys(pass);
let loginButton = await this.driver.findElement(this.loginBtn);
- Add new LoginPage and PortalBasePage in pageCollection.ts(as property).
// ../src/page/pageCollection.ts
public get LoginPage(): LoginPage { return new LoginPage(this.dr); }
public get PortalBasePage(): PortalBasePage { return new PortalBasePage(this.dr); }
- Implement step definitions related to login action.
// ../src/step_definitions/login.ts
import {IWorld} from '../support/world';
import {StepDefinitions, expect} from '../core/core';
function definitions(this: StepDefinitions): void {
this.Given(/^I am on the Login Page$/, async function (this: IWorld): Promise<void> {
await this.dr.get('');
this.When(/^I login as '(.*)' with pass '(.*)'$/, async function (this: IWorld, userName: string, userPass: string): Promise<void> {
await, userPass);
this.Then(/^I should see page '(.*)'$/, async function (this: IWorld, pageHeader: string): Promise<void> {
let res = await;
expect(res).equal(true, `Log In don't passed`);
In step definitions we pass this: IWorld
as a first parameter.
See \src\support\world.ts to get more information.
- Run test in VS Code
7.1 Start Webdriver-Manager before run tests:
webdriver-manager start
Or run
7.2 Start tests
Or you can use Debug Panel for running the test and generating the report
- Run @test - run test marked as @test
- Generate Report