This implementation builds the random forest classifier from scratch without using scikit-learn or other ML libraries, relying only on NumPy. It Develops a random forest classifier from the ground up without relying on external machine learning libraries. The goal is to build a robust ensemble learning model and gain a deeper understanding of the algorithm.
DecisionTree class defines a single tree that can be fit and used to make predictions. It implements functions for growing the tree, finding the best split, making predictions, etc.
Bootstrap_sample function randomly samples the training data with replacement to create a sample set for each tree.
The RandomForest class initializes the number of trees, the minimum of the sample size, etc. It contains a list to hold each tree.
The Fit method grows each tree on a bootstrapped sample and stores it in the list of trees.
The Predict method aggregates the predictions of individual trees and returns the most common prediction via a majority vote.
Created DecisionTree class to construct single decision trees using information gain criteria for node splitting. In addition, methods for predicting, and fitting were included.
BootstrapSampling function randomly draws samples with replacement to create training data for individual trees.
RandomForest class initializes hyperparameters, and stores fitted (trained) trees in a list.
Fit method grows each tree on a bootstrapped sample to completion using the DecisionTree class.
Predict aggregates predictions from all trees and returns the majority vote via a plurality calculation.
Evaluation is done by calculating prediction accuracy on the test set. It is worth mentioning that this algorithm is:
Tested on breast cancer dataset from scikit-learn with 10-fold cross-validation.
Achieved well above 90% accuracy demonstrating the efficacy of the random forest approach.
Parameters tuning of max_depth and n_estimators (number of trees) were utilized to optimize performance.
Algorithm design, NumPy, Classification, Ensemble methods, Scikit-learn datasets.
Successful implementation of Random Forest from scratch establishing the core understanding of the algorithm. The thorough evaluation showed the viability of the approach for real-world problems.
On the whole, this project provides an example of my skills in algorithm design and implementation, classification modeling, and hands-on experience with standard ML techniques and datasets. It is indeed worth mentioning that the from-scratch approach strengthened conceptual understanding.