Final project for software engineering 1 @ Politecnico di Milano
Academical Year:2019/2020
Students:Pazzi Riccardo(me), Pegoraro Martina, Panzeri Matteo.
The game can be played online with a maximum of three players, the rules of the game are stated inside the pdf.
-Complete rules of the game Santorini -GUI -Client server connection through sockets -1 advanced functionality(added 5 gods) -MVC paradigm -design patterns
Coverage informations:
- Model 90,7% line coverage
- Controller 78,9% line coverage
Notes for the execution: The executables are Client-Client.jar and Server-Server.jar It's possible to run them both just by double clicking but to see what is happening on the server-side of the application it's recommended to run the server jar using the command line (debug messages will be shown).