Riecoin Core 2501 was released on January 9, 2025. Read the release notes to learn more about the changes from 2404 and upgrade instructions. The upgrade from 2404 is straightforward for most people.
- The most apparent change concerns users still using Segwit Version 0 ric1q Addresses as the checksum computation has changed to be the same as Version 1 Addresses ric1p (Bech32M). In the short term, Riecoin Core continues to accept older checksums, but older software cannot send to Bech32M checksumed ric1q Addresses.
- For advanced users, the dummy arguments for the
RPC call have been removed.
Binaries can be downloaded here.
Sha256 Sums:
46224f6d7fadc6a06dba2322ea2ada1a0a2d75257ac157562b12dac5808b2586 riecoin-2501-aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
d8784fd8fd81ea701047bc60b3b66edfa3d70e730d374a93576a6da3359b192e riecoin-2501-win64-setup.exe
dc8743797c49e092a3ac2be52c89a5d2d2a01066b98fc42080ebde3e6151be35 riecoin-2501-win64.zip
89db8061e553ebc3b8b2b232ce58a7d797f4d1a6362cf2310ca00a962a09d6b0 riecoin-2501-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
ef4afd0b9572bbc03ac7a237fbe3c09a5b86258e820d294e7ea6f415120bfe70 riecoin-2501.tar.gz