Welcome to my repository of LeetCode solutions! Here, you'll find my answers to various LeetCode problems, organized by difficulty and topic. This collection aims to assist with coding interview preparation and enhance algorithmic skills.
- Solutions to easy problemsMedium/
- Solutions to medium problemsHard/
- Solutions to hard problems
Each problem solution is contained in its own directory, named after the problem, and includes:
- Problem description
- My solution code
- Comments and explanations where applicable
- Python
- TypeScript
- Java
- C++
- JavaScript
- C#
- More
- Browse the directories to find solutions by difficulty.
- Each problem directory contains a README with the problem statement and my approach to solving it.
- Feel free to suggest improvements or ask questions by opening an issue.
Contributions are welcome! If you have alternative solutions or optimizations, please submit a pull request.
These solutions are my personal implementations and may not be the most optimal. They are intended for educational purposes.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via GitHub Issues or rikhi_singh@outlook.com.
Happy coding!