We built a Digital Marketplace using Next.js 14, Stripe Connect, Kinde, Prisma, Supabase and Tailwind!
🌐 Next.js App Router
🔐 Kinde Authentication with MFA
📧 Passwordless Auth
🔑 OAuth (Google and GitHub)
💰Payments using Stripe
🏪 Marketplace Functionality using Stripe Connect
🪝 Implementation of Stripe Webhooks
💿 Supabase Database
💨 Prisma Orm
✅ Server Validation using Zod
🗂️ File Upload with Uploadthing
🎨 Styling with Tailwindcss and Shadcn UI
📧 Sending Emails with Resend
🖼️ Creating Beautiful Emails using React-Email
- Responsibility design
- Stripe Express Dashboard
- Stripe Checkout page
- Server side implementation