I made a single page app for music lovers in which I used the Rapid API (Deezer) API, this allows me to take a look at the current songs of an artist.
Ever had that moment where you like a song of any artist but you dont know any other songs from that artist? With this tool you can search on any artist and view all their music previews within just a 2 steps.
Fill in their artist name,
Click on the desired artist
All their songs are within one simple overview carousel
Like feature to save any songs from your favorite artist,
Better API connection with limitless calls
npm run dev : "build": "rollup -c"
npm run start : "npm run build && node ./dist/index.js"
npm run dev: "npm run build && nodemon ./dist/index.js"
The build script will make a new directory within the project itself called: dist, the dist folder is structured as followed:
- Public/
- scratch/
- view/
For this I am using rollup with a rollup.config.js:
export default {
input: 'index.js',
output: {
dir: 'dist',
format: 'cjs',
plugins: [
// Delete the existing dist folder if exist
targets: 'dist/*',
// Copy public folder to dist
targets: [{
src: 'public/*',
dest: 'dist/public',
src: 'view',
dest: 'dist',
src: 'scratch',
dest: 'dist',
// Minify public css with cleanCSS
src: 'public/css/*',
dest: 'dist/public/css',
transform: (contents) => new CleanCSS().minify(contents).styles,
// Minify javascript file with uglify
src: 'public/swiper-interaction.js',
dest: 'dist/public',
transform: () => uglify.minify(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'public', 'swiper-interaction.js'), 'utf8'), {}).code,
// Minify javascript file with uglify
src: 'public/service-worker.js',
dest: 'dist/public',
transform: () => uglify.minify(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'public', 'service-worker.js'), 'utf8'), {}).code,
content: ['**/*.html'],
css: ['**/*.css'],
// External packages
external: ['express', 'path', 'axios', 'ejs'],
Then the script will execute the index.js file within the dist folder
This project can also work offline with the help of a service worker which is based on a caching strategy:
Service worker
Every reponse (HTML, CSS & javascript) will be cached within the bufferstorage from the browser itself, the files that are being cached are:
const urlsToCache = [
When the user is offline, and the fetched page does not exist in the bufferstorage
import { formatData } from '../utils/formatData.js'
import { filterArray } from '../utils/FilterArray.js'
const formatStructure = formatData(json.data)
const uniqueArray = filterArray(formatStructure)
export function formatData(array) {
return array.map((el) => {
return {
id: el.artist.id,
name: el.artist.name,
picture_medium: el.artist.picture_medium,
type: el.type
export function filterArray(array) {
const unique = array.reduce((acc, current) => {
const x = acc.find(item => item.id === current.id);
if (!x) {
return acc.concat([current]);
} else {
return acc;
}, []);
return unique
What is an API? Application programming interfaces (APIs) helps to make data available for extern users. In this way, you can request data to use it in different applications.
- Search on artist
- Search on album.
- Get comments
- Get Genre
- Get Artist
- Get Ediorial
- Get Playlist
- Get Track
- Get Radio
- Get Infos
I couldn't find any information about the maxium request each hour/day, the API will timeout for some times if the api is getting called to many times, these timeout are not rate limits since you are able to fetch data within seconds after it.
import { config } from './config.js'
//Fetch method
export async function fetchData(endpoint1) {
const endpoint = endpoint1
const dataset = await fetch(`${config.baseUrl}${endpoint}`, {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
"x-rapidapi-key": `${config.key}`,
"x-rapidapi-host": `${config.host}`
const json = await dataset.json()
return json