A collective of my machine learning lessons done while going along with Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow
I am using jupyter notebook to follow along with exercises and project provided in this book (it was recommended by author to use jupyter)
To open the notebook locally on windows follow these steps
- First Clone the repo into a directory
mkdir book
cd book
git clone https://github.com/S4vyss/machine-learning.git
- Second I recommend you to setup isolated environment with virtualenv, it's a pip package you can read more about it here
You install it like that:
python -m pip install --user virtualenv
Then create an environment
python -m virtualenv venv
After that everytime you want to open that environment you need to type in that command:
And that command to deactivate:
- Third Install jupyter-lab Read more here
pip install jupyterlab
And then open the jupyterlab
I you are using powershell to execute those commands there might be problem if your ExecutionPolicy is set to Restricted
to resolve that problem open PowerShell as an administrator then run this command to check the ExecutionPolicy
if it's set to Restricted then run this command
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
that will enable you to run local scripts, then you just need to run .\venv\Scripts\activate again.
Note: That is the process that worked for me, if you can do it faster or better then post an issue so i can update this README