This Web Automation Assessment is about automating a web site ( using Playwright Test Automation tool with TypeScript language and Allure for reporting
Once this repository is cloned into a local folder:
- Open the terminal or command prompt and enter into the cloned folder/repo
- Run the command
npm install
to install all dependancies
ID | Description | Command |
1 | Run all tests in headless mode | npm test or npx cypress run |
2 | Run all tests in headed mode | npx cypress open |
3 | Generate allure report | npm run allure:report or allure generate ./allure-results --clean |
4 | Open report | npm run openReport or allure open ./allure-report |
ID | Description | Command |
1 | Validation 1 | 1. Log in as a standard user 2. Find an item by name, then add it to the cart 3. Find a second item by name, and add it to the cart as well 4. Go to the cart 5. Find an item by name, then remove it from the cart 6.a. Validate in the Checkout Overview that: It only contains the items that you want to purchase 6.b. Validate in the Checkout Overview that: The Item Total is right 7. Finish the purchase 8. Validate that the website confirms the order |